Little Night Music, is an animation project that tells the story of a piano student and how his teacher almost sucked the love of music out of him. All voices, sound effects and music were created by Edward Auslender and his musicians using only their instruments.

Edoodles are doodles that Edward draws on the back of his lyric sheets while working on his words… Here is a montage of them over some instrumental hip hop tracks Edward composed and produced for the french album Premiere Etape.

Live on stage, a quintet of musicians play Edward Auslender's eclectic score and interact with the actors. Follow the score as we listen to the first of over 50 cues

Jerry The Awesome Opossum, is a documentary song about how Jerry, a wild opossum, chose to cohabit with Edward and his family for about a year. So far it has had over 30 thousand views on Facebook and YouTube.

False Pretenses is a feature film directed by Michael Ensor and scored by Edward Auslender.